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DOWNLOAD CU INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE REPORT - See Below on this homepage - Listed Under "QUICK LINKS"    1ST QUARTER 2024 Credit Union Industry Report: - Data Analytics are now now available.   
1Q 2024 Credit Union Industry Data Trend Report
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1ST QUARTER 2024 Credit Union Industry Report:


In our highly competitive market, it is important to assess trends through comparable data. We now have the ability to customize reports to ...(more)

Debbie Hodous
Chief Financial Officer


Features and Benefits

CUDATA  is a Service Mark of CUDATA.COM LLC.


  • Provides comparative PEER Analysis (Side-by-Side) via dynamic reports and charts.
  • Provides individual credit unions and National performance trends.
  • Incorporates multiple reports and charts drilled-down into visuals of analytical data in order to give Executive Management in-depth financial PEER comparisons against other competing credit unions in the local and national markets.
  • Provides interactive reports and dynamic charts to convey a wealth of analytical information at a glance.
  • Includes charts and reports with quarterly numerical data and ratios for the current and previous 20 quarters.
  • Allows end-users to select a time frame(s), make a choice of PEER Credit Unions across the Country and select an average PEER Group for comparative analysis purposes.
  • Provides charts and reports that can be easily exported to Power Point and Excel©Spreadsheet.
  • Provides Growth, Performance, and Efficiency Ratios and PEER data comparisons.
  • Extremely easy, quick and user-friendly.
  • Simply point the chart object at the data source, and the graph is built.
  • Provides information on all credit unions across the country.
  • Evaluates PEER comparisons in one compact, dynamic display.
  • Delivers highly formatted management reports along with Web-based dynamic charts.
  • Provides competitive intelligence and performance insights to manage and improve financial and operational performance.
  • Provides analyzed data solutions necessary to close the gap between high-performance credit unions and you.
  • Management can easily see and determine why changes are occurring in the profitability and performance of the business.
  • Enables Executive Management to understand key performance drivers behind the numbers and respond to changing conditions more quickly.
  • Interactive, dynamic, at-a-glance charts and reports are perfect for Board of Directors.
  • Put information right at your fingertips at a low cost.
  • Benefits all credit union Executives regardless of their asset size.

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CUDATA® is registered trade or service mark of CUDATA.COM LLC. The statute (law) states that liability for trademark or service mark infringement occurs when a person or a company uses in commerce a "reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable limitation of a registered or service mark" that is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or to deceive. This statue applies to federal trade/trade mark infringement, unfair competition, trade/service mark dilution and cyberpiracy.